Access recent messages from before your outage.

Our rolling archive services keeps a copy of the last 30 days of email messages sent to and from your mail systems. Thus if you have an email outage and your users are using our email continuity service, they will have access to the past 30 days of email history.

30 Day History

You can have your mail server send us incoming and outgoing messages for your users.

Simple Setup

Just setup your mail server to forward a copy of messages for users to their unique MXSave archiving address.

Single Bundled Solution

Rolling archive service is included and bundled with pricing for our base service.

Common Questions regarding Rolling Archiving

How do I get my messages to your service?
You should be able to setup a rule in your mail server to forward a copy of all messages for a particular user to also send a copy to their unique MXSave archiving address. This message will be visible to them in our email continuity service. Instructions will be available within your account.
Can I send sent items to your rolling archive service?
Yes. As long as you can configure your mail server to send sent items by a user to their unique MXSave archiving address. Currently these messages would show up in their MXSave email continuity inboxes.
Are there any limitations or added costs?
The rolling archive service is included in our single bundled solution and there are no added costs for it. There are also no limits to how many messages you can store or how much space your messages take up. The only limitation is that we don't accept messages greater than 35 MB in size.